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Health Care Professionals

Management of Anticoagulation therapy with warfarin made simple with ClotMD

ClotMD connects patients, healthcare professionals, and PT/INR monitoring providers enabling a consistent, reliable, and real time solution to manage the therapeutic use of warfarin, on any computer or mobile device.
With ClotMD, easily manage on-site testing or managed home PT/INR monitoring while enhancing patient care and improving your business.

Competitive Advantage

ClotMD offers you the competitive advantage necessary to grow your business and increase PT/INR monitoring referrals. With ClotMD allow your physicians to effectively manage their patients with a fully integrated Warfarin monitoring solution connecting the dots between patient, physician, and PT/INR monitoring provider.
Offer you’re referring physician’s free quick and easy access to the ClotMD cloud based solution where they can manage all of their warfarin patient population
Create customized automated dosage notification change alerts sent directly to the patient
Allow physicians to make prompt medication changes
Send HIPPA compliant communication messages to patients
View all PT/INR latest test results, and history
Electronically prescribe new patients for PT/INR monitoring
Manage clinical data through treatment outcomes with Total Time In Therapeutic Range (TTR)
Create customized INR critical alerts
Personalized physician profile page and reporting settings
Reduce healthcare professionals liability through effective monitoring of Warfarin use
Improve Testing
Improve Patient
Improve your
While warfarin therapy is a highly effective treatment regiment in the management of anticoagulation, it requires patients to adhere to consistent testing regiments to monitor their PT/INR levels. When patients miss scheduled testing, fall out of their target therapeutic INR range, or have INR levels that are critical, it can impact not only the patient’s health but your business as well.
Improve the patient care continuum allowing for real time visibility of therapeutic data for health care professionals
Improve patient testing compliance with automated testing reminders, improve your bottom line
Maximize efficiency by automating the process of data collection by having the INR results entered on any computer or mobile device real time reducing the administrative cost associated with traditional data collection methods
Manage your refering physician population with automated alert and reporting functionality personalized with the clinical and data preferences of individual physicians

Patient Care made simple with CLOTMD

A patient’s condition can change rapidly when on warfarin therapy and requires consistent, reliable monitoring of Prothrombin Time PT/ International Normalized (INR). With ClotMD, the management of the patient’s anticoagulation is made simple connecting everyone involved in the patient’s healthcare continuum real time. With ClotMD, avoid costly complications that enable physicians to respond to a patient’s rapidly changing condition enhancing patient care, while improving your business.
View and input current PT/INR results along with historical results that the patient can share
Receive automated dosage alert changes allowing for the opportunity to quickly correct the treatment regimen if the PT/INR result is not in the desired range.
Built in knowledgebase with information on food that can affect the effectiveness of warfarin
Ability to receive electronic communication from the patients treating physician
Automated testing schedule and dosage reminders
Improve patient adherence to therapeutic and testing regiments while keeping the patient actively involved with their health.